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Safeguarding Policy

Safeguarding Policy

Purpose: The purpose of this policy is to safeguard all users of HellHole Network.

Scope: This policy applies to all areas of HellHoleNetwork. Inclusive of Discord, Minecraft and the Website

1. Introduction
This policy will outline the safeguarding steps that we HellHole Network (HHN) have taken to safeguard our members from all possible aspects while they are using our services!

2. Policy Details
The first main step in safeguarding all users who use our service is calling people by their usernames when in public channels regardless of personal connection with them.
Secondly any details staff may have access to are to remain confidential.
Where possible all communication should be on official network terms. If this conversation is private we ask staff to use tickets so a log can be kept.
Where conversations do take place in voice channels unless both parties agree we try not to have one-on-one conversations as staff with users opting to have a second person there as witness.
While Minecraft is a 10+ game to comply with Discords TOS we restrict the server to users of 13+.
While users are 13+ we have restricted staff to those of 16+. While we are also a registered business any paid positions will be paid at an agreed upon rate above the UK minimum wage
Senior Staff and business shareholders are restricted to be 18+
While any user can converse with any other user we have taken steps to filter chat blocking certain words and phrases with automatic warnings issued for those who use the terms.
Users are urged to report any actions from other users of HHN to staff for this to be dealt with.

3. Responsibilities
All staff at HHN have a responsibility to ensure the Safeguarding of our users. 

4. Compliance
Compliance with this policy is of the utmost importance for maintaining a safe environment for all users. Network staff should be actively checking and monitoring all public chats for any behavior 

5. Exceptions
Exceptions to this policy will only come if law enforcement contact the directorship and ask for logs pertaining to a specified user with the correct court order or subpoena such as requiring information to be handed over. Any other time all information will be kept private. IP’s are hashed out in the main log and only truly visible to directorship in the means of IP-Bans should such action be required. Once complete this IP is wiped from the server. 

6. Consequences of Non-Compliance
Failure to comply with this policy depending on severity will result in a variety of punishments being issued. With base auto-moderation giving warnings to members for chat offenses while for more severe server breaches instant bans and removal from all Network Services. Such breaches may also require information to be passed to appropriate law enforcement bodies depending on the issue in hand. Such communication would be handled by a named person within the directorate.  

7. Review and Revision
This policy is subject to review quarterly from the date of posting. The most recent version number will be displayed at the top of the policy along with edits being tracked in Section 10 of this policy. Should an issue arise that requires an update to this policy it is also subject to update 

8. Related Policies
Currently there are no HHN policies that interact with this one. However users may find Discord TOS for access to the discord as we are compliant with these rules in operating our discord server.

9. Approval
This policy is to be approved and signed off by one of the safeguarding team members. The policy is also subject to review by the directorate prior to posting on the site

10. Document History
15/06/24 - Policy creation | P.Leech - Director
15/06/24 Version 0.2 - Submitted to SG for review.

18/06/24 - Policy approved | R. Clancy - Director

27/06/24 - Policy Reviewed by SG Contact | P.Leech - Director
27/06/24 - Policy Published | P.Leech - Director