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Terms and Conditions

Legal terms

We - HellHole Network

You - HellHole Network User/Player/Member

Staff - Anyone with Moderation or higher roles

CA - Console Access (Network Admin of any level)
User - Anyone who access' HellHoleNetwork

Information from Members

We all agree to keep all information shared with us confidential. This can include but is not limited to identifying information such as name, location, pronouns, and any other personally identifiable information. We also agree not to disclose any information about any user of our service to anyone or anywhere on the network or not.

If a staff member is terminated or quits HellHole Network or leaves HellHole Network under any circumstances they agree to keep all information learned while at HellHole Network confidential and if they do expose any information they agree that they are liable to be taken to court if the information isn’t already publicly available. If the leak didn’t pertain to personal identifying information they also agree to assist HellHole Network in patching the leak though any means available to me. With the assistance of the HellHole Network Network Tech Team

Any user who has access to the backend of the server or CA will be required to have proper Two Factor Authentication set up to the account along with owning a 2FA Key, or another authorized form of 2FA in order to maintain full security of the account and prevent unauthorized access to the systems network. Should they suffer a breach of security the appointed person should be notified immediately such that they agree for their access to be revoked until they retain full account security and can once again be compliant with this section. Once fully compliant again their access will be restored. 


Although we do understand and appreciate that English is not everyone's primary language, for our logs we do ask that all communication within the ticket is done in English. This allows management to properly oversee the network and ensure certain quality and standards are met.



Anyone with CA will agree that any files from the HellHole Network Network are to remain property of HellHole Network and will not be downloaded or redistributed in any format outside of HellHole Network. Any premium plugins purchased for HellHole Network hold the licensing for HellHole Network only, purchases of such plugins are required to be authorized by the Owner and imported onto the server by them. Any custom made plugins especially for HellHole Network remain the intellectual property of HellHole Network and are for use on the network alone. Anyone found to be distributing the server files will immediately have their access revoked and be terminated on the spot. Pending an outcome of an investigation conducted by HellHole Network management may be liable to legal action.  


HellHole Network management reserves the right to modify, suspend or discontinue either temporarily or permanently any service we offer. With or without notice and without liability to you.

Enhancements or “updates” may be implemented to improve features / functionality of any factor of the Network.

Updates may modify or delete certain features and/or functionalities of the network. You agree that HellHole Network has no obligation to (i) provide any updates, or (ii) continue to support any features or functionalities of the network to you. 

Amendments to this Policy

HellHole Network reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to modify or replace this Agreement at any time. What constitutes a material change will be determined at our sole discretion. By continuing to access or use our website after any revisions become effective, you agree to be bound by the revised terms. If you do not agree to the new terms, you are no longer authorized to use HellHole Network services.

Updates to Our Terms

We may change our Services and policies, and we may need to make changes to these Terms so that they accurately reflect our Services and policies.

Unless otherwise required by law, we will notify you (for example, through our Service) before we make changes to these Terms and give you an opportunity to review them before they go into effect. Then, if you continue to use the Service, you will be bound by the updated Terms. If you do not want to agree to these or any updated Terms, you can delete your account.

IP Address’

All IP addresses logged by the server are hash’ed to protect any client or user who accesses the network servers. IP’s may be used for the temporary or permanent banning of a user should they attempt to by-pass any form of punishment using alternative accounts. They will be used by senior management in terms of an IP Ban. Once the IP address has been accessed it will be re-hashed and removed for the Administrators use. Any perceived breach of this is taken as a serious case and will result in administration being investigated.